Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Butterbeer and Starbucks Christmas brews

Image grabbed from Wattpad.com
So I get dragged to Starbucks to try Butter Beer.
Butter Beer for all us muggles out there, is one of the concoctions in the world Harry Potter. (Harry Patah as said by Dumbledore)

But apparently Butter Beer is a secret recipe at Starbucks according to one Facebook post.
You can actually order it as a custom drink and when we went to Starbucks, apparently there were already two guys who ordered it for the day.

here's the recipe from via DaleBacar.com
A Crème Frappuccino base, made with whole milk (not skim or 2%, which will mess up the consistency)3 pumps of caramel syrup3 pumps of toffee nut syrupTop with caramel drizzle

There's even a more consistent recipe 

There is also a hot alternative to the drink (as there is with the "real" butterbeer):
Whole milk steamerCaramel syrup (2 pumps for a tall, 3 for grande, 4 for venti)Toffee nut syrup (2 pumps for a tall, 3 for grande, 4 for venti)Cinnamon Dolce syrup (2 pumps for a tall, 3 for grande, 4 for venti)Top with whipped cream and salted caramel bitsOptional: 1 shot of espresso (2 for a grande or venti)

The Barista instead referred us to order this:
1 Venti Caramel cream frappucino
3 squirts/pumps of toffee nut syrup

According to Harry Potter Wiki
Butterbeer is a popular wizarding beverage described as tasting "a little bit like less-sickly butterscotch
 Here's the end result:

This drink is so evil (and full of that cannot-be-named calories)
This is sooo sweet. I can feel it Avada Kedavra-ing my tooth. 
I'm can't stand... the... sweetness.... Must.. stick... to... Peppermint Mocha Latte. 

Whoever thought of this. Good marketing stratergy for Starbucks. Bravo!
But drink at your own risk

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