Friday, October 24, 2008

I hate Math therefore i'm a copywriter

The first time I saw this ad,
I said, "Wow, they made the client spend so much on a gatefold ad with just a mathematical equation." Now the buzz has spread to become shouts from really mad parents becasue of an advertising blunder.

Yes, I'm talking about the full page enfapro kid ad that came in the Phil. Daily Inquirer last Monday. That's Oct. 19, 2008.

The headline has the equation 9 +5 =14 with a gatefold flap covering 14.
When you open the flap there's another hidden equation 9 + 5 x 2 - (7×2) = 14.

Look, I may not be a genius. But there's a rule in math you do multiplication and division first (MDAS)

So when you solve the equation you get:

9 + 5 x 2 - 14 = 14

9 + 10 -14 =14

19- 14 =5! not 14

Now they came out with another ad to do damage control.
With a kid pretending to "solve" the equation and getting the right answer (5)

Haha! Great work! You just wasted 800,000 of the client's money.
And earned the backlash of hundreds of parents.
Not only is this getting the rounds in parent's blogs. They might switch to another brand.

Go ahead and blame the poor writer. Enfakid has been pushing "Genius" equation ads for years.
now they got a pr nightmare. Sheesh

This is the reason I became a copywriter. I didn't excel in math.

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