And I thought meatballs were evil. Enter the more evil.... SOYMEAT!
Dressed to impress and served like meat so won't feel the guilt.
In reality you're biting in chewy morsels of paper-tasting goop.
Vegemeat is crap, I can't comprehend why people like this. But honestly my pooch won't even touch this. I'd rather eat ampalaya or brussel sprouts. Or better gimme a hefty plate of greens. Just don't make me feel like a fool. Vegemeat is so pretentious, it's like the evil incarnate. Hahahah And to think this was served by the great Gloriamaris Restaurant for a wedding reception. This was weird to the palate no wonder my freind Regi stopped being vegetarian and chose to get stuffed with meat. Please don't get me wrong, I know I'm acting like a spoiled brat here, but this simply tastes awful....
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