Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fine Print Number 3: The Mystery of the unfolding Winston

Winston was stumped. After years of using its trademark red packaging, it is now shifting to blue and red. The brief was to make a campaign exciting enough to announce the packaging change. The problem: The proliferation of fakes in the provinces have made its loyal customers quite unreceptive to change. The second problem was the self-imposed ad ban on radio and tv by Japan Tobacco which made the announcement hard. Read: They might think the new look is not the same Winston they loved. Our solution: Be a mythbuster. Blow up the old, herald the new.

This consisted of inciting curiosity by coming up with teasers prior to launch.
Not only was there buzz about the product, results were phenomenal and people totally
embraced the new look. And we lived happily ever after.
Agency: J. Romero
Writer: Chris Ong
Art Team: Lucas Luchico, James Pereda

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