Friday, February 14, 2014

How to survive Valentine's Day

There's one dreaded day to be sad, alone and single and its V-day.
But you don't need to fret. It IS just one day, one looong agonizing day.
So after all the dumb Valentines I have brushed off, here's some survival tips:

1) Don't wear red. Of all the days, today is not the time to wear something that shouts
"I'm a fool for love." Look up, wear black.

2) Stay away from the malls. The malls will have restaurants and flower shops and people who will be buying and carrying flowers.Instant reminders that will just make things worse. And be warned of the lovey dovey couples. And that girl who would like to parade her bouquet of flowers for everyone to see.

3) Don't be caught holding flowers. There is one day when all flowers are prized insanely off the roof and its the 14th. And don't be a fool to buy on the 13th, its insanely horrible and  it's full of people at the famous Dangwa street. And don't forget everything's bagsak presyo on the 15th :)

4) Turn the radio off. There's going to be mushy love songs and stupid greetings.

5)  Dining at home is good. Why get stuck without a reservation, not only is traffic bad, everything is worse.
Pop a steak in the oven. Chill with some wine, eat well. feel good.

6) DVD/ Netflix is your new best friend. There's so many movies to watch and help you think happy thoughts instead of that stupid rom-com that's not going to happen in real life anyway.

7) Sleep all day. A few more hours of sleep improves your concentration and does tons to help you think clearly. Now's the time to catch up in your z's.

8) Go out and drink. Why wallow in misery if you can forget all about it and have a great time. Bar hop, get sloshed.  (I used to do this every year.)

9) Stay away from Pasay and Pasig, especially at night, traffic is going before and after dinner time. Expect crazy moaning and little earthquakes, you've been warned.

10) Clean out your closet. If there's a chore, that's going to take a lot of time, its closet cleaning, Your old clothes? It's time to donate them.

Remember it's just 24 hours. But steer clear of some date extensions on the 15th.
Valentine's ? Bah, humbug!

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